Saturday, June 5, 2010

Scandinavians in Provence

I'll be perfectly honest: this past week wasn't one of my favourite guiding expeditions; but then again, I wasn't really guiding: I was driving the support vehicle for 16 Swedes and Norwegians who descended upon Provence to cycle for the week. They arrived with their own guide -- the very cultured Magnus -- who's guided for many years (no Magnus, I won't disclose your age) and in many different countries for the Swedish comapany TEMA.

And so where does Walk Inn fit in?: we supplied the bikes, the vehicle, and the "mechanic" (moi), and prepared picnics for the group along their cycling route (moi aussi!). I have to admit that while driving at 15km/h behind the Scandinavian peloton and listening to French pop music, I couldn't help but want to hop on a bike myself (though I did find my opportunities during the week). But I faithfully performed my duties: fixing flat tires, adjusting brakes, putting bike chains back into place, handing out water, and cheering on the Scandinavians as they battled a ferocious Mistral wind that blew every day but the last.

In the olive tree that provided the shade for the group's picnic lunch, I await their arrival with some fresh baguettes, several kinds of cheeses, pâté, and all sorts of other goodies, including the rosé...

Speaking of rosé, it was so popular with the Scandinavian cyclists that -- at least in this case -- it replaced the water bottle...

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